In this condition, the hormones of a woman go out of balance which creates various symptoms, including the absence of ovulation, irregular menstrual cycle, difficulty in conceiving, weight gain and acne, PCOD, also known as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), if it’s untreated, can lead to further health complications, like diabetes, obesity and heart diseases.
Common Symptoms of PCOD/PCOS
Irregular periods:
You may observe irregular periods or delayed menstrual cycles.
Difficulty in getting pregnant due to irregular delayed and failed ovulation. The hormone imbalance in the body prevents this and heavily affects the menstrual cycle and thereby your periods. Many women are diagnosed with PCOD when they visit the doctor regarding their unsuccessful attempts at getting pregnant.
Hair loss or excessive thinning of hair:
This symptom, too, is due to the increased production of male hormones in the body.
- Acne on the skin
- Weight gain
- PCOD due to excess inflammation is linked to higher androgen levels.
What are some problems associated with PCOD?
Some complications can arise from PCOD. These include various diseases and medical conditions, such as
Various metabolic syndromes, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and increased cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
- Miscarriages
- Infertility
- Gestational diabetes
- Sleep apnea
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Depression and other mental disorders
- Untreatable acne, displaying some hormonal problems
Diet to Treat PCOD
While much lifestyle guidance is suggested for those women suffering from PCOD, some tips to follow a PCOD diet with low fat and carbohydrate content. This would prevent any sudden improvement in your blood sugar levels and help you keep a check on your weight. Foods that you may include are
- Natural and unrefined food,
- Spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables
- Foods that high in fiber
- Broccoli and cauliflower
- Nuts and legumes
- Fish with high omega fatty acids
- Whole grain
Dark red fruit like blackberries, blueberries, cherries and red grapes