4 Effective Yoga Poses To Control PCOS

February 8, 2023 0 Comments

Yoga does not give you immediate benefits, but its regular practice improves your overall health. Whether it is to regulate periods or improve reproductive health. Aishwarya Kulshrestha Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health condition characterized by hormonal imbalance in women. Because of this, there can be problems of irregular periods and sometimes infertility. Periods can also be missed in women suffering from PCOS. Due to this problem in women, ovaries do not produce eggs and there is difficulty in conceiving. But there are some asanas in yoga, which can help you control this condition. Let us know about those yogasanas which can help you in managing PCOD. What are the possible causes of PCOS PCOS is caused by genetics and environmental factors. Unhealthy eating habits, excessive stress, lack of physical activity and being overweight are some of the conditions that make women susceptible to suffering from PCOS. There is no cure for PCOS, it can be treated by balancing hormonal levels through the use of birth control pills or diabetes medications. Women suffering from this condition are advised to do regular physical exercise and lose weight. So we learned some yoga asanas from Mrs. Deepika Dixit, Senior Yoga Teacher, Jindal Naturecure Institute, which will help you to reduce PCOS. Let us know from Deepika Dixit some yogasanas to reduce PCOS 1 Badhakonasana Baddhakonasana improves blood circulation in the pelvic region, provides relaxation, reduces stress and helps the reproductive organs. How to do asana To do this asana, you have to sit straight by straightening your spine and spreading your legs in front. After sitting in the asana, bend forward and bring the feet near the pelvis, touching the soles. Draw the ankles towards the genitals and take a deep breath, pressing the thighs and knees towards the floor with light pressure. Keep yourself in this position according to your comfort. Then, while inhaling, raise the knees above the floor and bring the feet back to the normal position. 2 Bhardwajasana Regular practice of this asana can relieve stiffness and pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders. How to do this asana To do this asana, bend your knees and bring them near the left hip keeping the weight of the body on the right buttock. In the next step place the left ankle on the arch of the right foot and the right hand on the floor. Now, keeping the left hand on the outer side of the right thigh, bend your upper body as far as possible to the right. Try to twist your body further with each inhale. Stay in this position for one minute and then slowly come back to the normal posture as before. Repeat the same process on the opposite side, shifting the weight to the left buttock. 3 Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) The cobra pose exerts mild pressure on the abdominal and pelvic region and helps in relieving PCOD symptoms by stimulating the ovaries, improving digestion and reducing stress. How to do this asana To do this, lie down on your face. Place feet flat on the floor, feet together and palms close to chest. Keeping the navel on the floor, take a deep breath and lift your head and torso off the floor. Support your raised torso with both the hands and bend your back as much as possible. Keep breathing normally while in this position for 30 seconds and then come back to the normal posture as before. 4 Balasana (Child’s pose) Balasana is a useful yoga asana for PCOS solution, as it provides relaxation by calming the central nervous system. It improves lower back tension, menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms by improving blood flow throughout the body. How to do this asana To perform this asana, kneel down on the yoga mat and sit on the heels keeping your knees hip-width apart. Lower your head to touch the floor and lower your torso between your thighs. Place the hands on the sides of the torso and relax the shoulders towards the floor. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then come back to the normal position as before. Healthy Fuel Yoga and naturopathy treatments are effective in the long term in treating PCOS.

Is it possible to cure high blood pressure without medicine

Blood Pressure
February 6, 2023 0 Comments

About 33% of urban and 25% of rural Indians have high blood pressure problem. Hypertension is a scientific term used by us to address high blood pressure. Due to certain diseases cholesterol gets deposited on the arteries and narrows their lumen thereby increasing the pressure on their wall. it is harmful; An unruptured artery can rupture and cause trauma to a surrounding area such as the brain. In today time, only 25% of rural and 42% of urban Indians are aware of their hypertension status. For hypertension, only 25% of rural and 38% of urban Indians are getting treatment. One-tenth in rural areas and one-third of the urban population have their blood pressure under control. How does that work? Does this data support that high blood pressure can be controlled without medication? Let’s find out- What is the use if not medicine? Your lifestyle plays the most role in this matter. People have successfully managed it with the help of some vitamins, minerals, herbs. What lifestyle changes are necessary to manage high blood pressure? Take less sodium which is very helpful in stage 1 high blood pressure. Lowers blood pressure by about 3-6 mm Hg. Lose weight and keep it off. Losing about 20 pounds of weight can lower systolic blood pressure by about 10 to 20 mm Hg. This can be achieved by working on your body mass index or waist and hip ratio. Reduce alcohol intake – it has been found to lower blood pressure by 2-4 mm Hg. Do exercises like yoga, pranayama regularly. It lowers blood pressure by 5 to 8 mm Hg. Quitting smoking – has a big impact on lowering the threshold for both systolic and diastolic hypertension. What is high blood pressure diet? Healthy fuel nutritionist tell you an approach called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is considered suitable for the management of high blood pressure using the following: low sodium high potassium emphasis on fruits and vegetables low-fat dairy products DASH has been shown to reduce blood pressure by 10-12 mm Hg Myths about relieving symptoms of high blood pressure: Various texts mention that garlic reduces the symptoms of high blood pressure. In contrast, when this method of treating high blood pressure was applied to people, it showed no effect on their lipid levels and blood clotting. L-arginine, a substrate of nitric oxide found in red meat, poultry, fish and dairy products, is also thought to be responsible for lowering blood pressure, but has the greatest effect on platelet aggregation and endothelial dysfunction, not blood pressure . This means that it may not be effective in the long-term management of high blood pressure. Vitamin C is also known to help relieve symptoms of high blood pressure and is said to reduce systolic blood pressure by up to 10 mm Hg without affecting diastolic blood pressure. This means that its long-term effectiveness is questionable. Can we really put our faith in these remedies for a sure cure for high blood pressure? It cannot be denied that the remedies mentioned above have a mild effect on high blood pressure, but can you trust your life with this mild benefit? I myself suffer from hyperthyroidism, while I practice yoga and take my medication on time to keep it under control. On the same annotation, the medicines are designed after long research, specifically to act on the cause. For example if the underlying cause of high blood pressure is atherosclerotic, the dosage of the drug will try to lower the lipid content in the body. Similarly if the problem is vasoconstriction, a targeted drug is prescribed to work at a specific location, a specific tissue, as expected. I have a lot of respect for Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga therapy but when it comes to diseases like high blood pressure, I will always prefer to take the route of research based medicine. These treatments definitely do not harm a person and enhance the quality of life. Let’s take it all together and we can be a little more sensible. In Healthy Fuel we tell you more exercise for fat loss and weight loss to control your blood pressure.

Fat Loss v/s Weight Loss

Weight Loss V/S Fat loss
February 2, 2023 5 Comments

Weight loss and fat loss are two different but common things. You must have often heard about these two from people. Fat loss and Weight loss are very different from each other. Weight loss is referred to as a decrease in overall weight including fat, muscle and water weight. Whereas fat loss is only said to reduce fat from the body. Both the things are opposite to each other. But many people consider these two to be the same. Your goal should never be to lose weight, but always to lose fat. When you lose weight, you lose everything! But if you want your fat to drop, then fat loss should always be the goal. If you just want to see the low number on the weight machine, then this may be wrong, because you lose valuable muscle to see some low number. Losing weight is hard. For this, people follow the diet plan to lose weight as well as do workouts. But reducing obesity is more difficult than that. So today we will tell you the main difference between fat loss and weight loss. Will also tell how fat loss can be promoted. Let’s start with what is weight loss. 1. What is weight loss Body weight is defined as the amount of muscles, bones, organs and water in your body. If you understand in simple language… Weight Loss = Muscle Loss + Fat Loss + Water Weight Loss Body weight is divided into two main categories. Fat mass Skinny body Fat mass means how much total fat is in your body. Lean mass refers to the weight of your muscle, bone, water and other body parts. This often leads people to get confused and intentionally burn lean mass in a bid to lose weight. This is quite wrong. If you only see your weight on the weight machine, then it is obvious that if your muscles lose weight, then you will not see any difference. If you are reducing muscles instead of fat by adopting crash diet methods or other shortcuts, then it is very wrong. Initially you may get good results but later the body will become weak. If you are not eating enough or consuming a balanced diet, you tend to lose muscle instead of fat. Plus, one gram of carb holds 3 grams of water in the body. If you do not eat carbs then the water weight from the body is also less. 2. What is Fat Loss   Gaining muscle while maintaining lean mass is the best way to lose fat. Fat is essential in the body, due to which the soluble vitamins are well absorbed and also provide cushioning and energy to the internal parts of the body. Fat loss = burning of fat stored in the body Means there is extra fat in the body, its reduction is called reducing fat. The best way to reduce fat mass is through a calorie deficit and exercise regimen. Everyone has a certain amount of fat in their body. This fat is often stated as a percentage of their total body composition. Like my body fat is 21%. A male athlete can have anywhere from 7% to 13% body fat. Even athletic men of 6 feet store 12% to 17% fat. An average healthy man can have up to 24% stored fat. When one consumes more calories than required, the body stores those calories for the future in the form of body fat cells] called adipocytes. The most common body fat is the fat stored between the skin and muscles and around the viscera. No one can decide that fat loss can be done from any particular part of the body. According to science, fat is reduced by the whole body and not by any particular part of the body. For example, if you want to bring abs by reducing your stomach, then for this you should reduce the fat of the whole body. How to Know If You’re Losing Weight/Muscle, Not Fat   If you feel tension in the body after regular workout. So this is a sign that you are losing muscle. Doing daily work gets tired quickly, lethargy comes, sleep comes. There is a decrease in endurance and strength, as well as loss of balance during workouts. The weight was decreasing earlier but now it has stopped. Why Losing Fat Is Better Than Losing Weight Trendy weight loss diets give quick results, I understand that very well. But this is due to a decrease in overall weight. This means following the diet has reduced the muscles, water weight and as soon as you break the diet the weight will increase again. Along with this, if the muscles are less than the body, then the body will also be weak along with many diseases, which can cause health problems. Muscles maintain the blood sugar level in the body, reduce the risk of inflammation and diabetes and also boost metabolism. But if you lose fat, then only the frozen fat of your body will burn, which is of no use in the body. Therefore it is better to reduce obesity rather than losing weight. 2. Easy ways to reduce obesity If you want to reduce obesity, then some things have to be kept in mind. Make up your mind to reduce obesity, you will be able to do it easily. Eat protein rich food: Eat more protein to lose fat, it is the building block of our body. Our body cells are made of proteins. Therefore, when you reduce carb and fat from your diet, then protein rich diet should be taken for the maintenance and growth of muscles. Do weight training: Fat is reduced faster by weight training. It also helps in increasing muscle mass. By doing weight training, muscles grow and you get a lean body. Calorie deficit: Most people consume very less calories to lose weight, this is quite wrong. By doing this, muscle loss also occurs. So maintain …